On October 20th, Freedom Firm rescued Kayla, a 16 year old in Ganga Jamuna, Nagpur.
Kayla was rescued along with 13 young women!
The Nagpur police initiated the rescue after Freedom Firm investigators shared intel about 4 minor girls engaged in prostitution in the Red Light Area. The police arrested the handler, Babu Dhanawat. Bimalabai (the brothel keeper) and Sachin Unchiya (the pimp) were nowhere to be found.
Asha, the Regional Director in Nagpur, shares, “We could have rescued more minors during the rescue but we noticed that the area was alerted about the rescue operation and 3 minors that our team had identified the day before along with Kayla went missing on the day of rescue.”

After a rescue operation, minors typically go to a government shelter home and police release majors (girls above 18 years). This time, the Superintendent of Police in Nagpur ordered his staff to send Kayla and the other rescued majors to the government shelter home. Kayla and the 13 women are in a shelter home where Freedom Firm social workers will have the chance to meet and counsel them on a regular basis.
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