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Mala Malstead

Trafficker Poses as Rescued Girl's Mother

On 28th November 2018, Kirti* was rescued from Prem Nagar, Maharashtra, and placed in a shelter home in Nagpur. Three months later, Rajubai, her trafficker, posed as her mother and applied for Kirti’s custody. Our legal team informed the court and Rajubai was denied custody.

When the case came up for hearing in court, the public prosecutor told the judge that Rajubai had fraudulently claimed to be Kirti’s mother to get custody of Kirti. During the latest court hearing, the judge asked Kirti if Rajubai was her mother and if she wanted to go with her. Kirti refused, saying that Rajubai was not her mother. Rajubai stood in the courtroom and shouted, “Kirti is my daughter and if people doubt it, then give her a test.  It will prove that Kirti is my daughter.” A DNA test was conducted and the results were negative, proving that Rajubai was not Kirti’s mother.

In spite of the DNA proof, the court gave Rajubai one more chance to prove that Kirti was her daughter. The court ordered the opposition lawyer to pay a fine of Rs. 100,000 ($1400) for producing false documents in court and Rajubai will have to pay a fine of Rs. 5,00,000 ($7000) if she is unable to prove her relationship with Kirti at the next court hearing.

A Brothel

*Name changed to protect identity


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